This guide is for those of you who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning to be a mother and are wondering if you need to buy special underwear for that special time.How do your breasts change?Hormonal changes make the bust grow by one to two sizes in the last trimester of pregnancy, to increase even more after giving birth, when lactation starts – by further twenty-five percent. E.g. if you’ve worn size 70F so far, you may need 75G now. Use a measuring tape to measure under your bust and around its fullest part to find the perfect fit. Stable support for your breasts at that time and finding the right bra size are essential for the skin of your breasts to remain firm and for the bust to keep its attractive shape.

Gaia maternity bras from the spring/summer 2016 collection. Models 565 and 569 come with padded cups with pads that can be easily removed with a convenient “Quickclick” clip. Bras are available in sizes 65 D-J, 70 C-I, 75 B-H, 80 B-G, 85B-F, 90B-E, 95B-D..Active supportBreastfeeding a baby in the everyday bra that you’ve been using up until now would be difficult and troublesome. To uncover your breast you would need to pull down the strap and move the entire cup sideways. This is hardly discreet and comfortable, especially when you need to feed your baby during a walk, travelling or in other public places. In all Gaia models for nursing mothers we use a convenient plastic clip that can be used to remove and put back pads with one hand. When you are breastfeeding the cup is supported all the time with the strap, allowing you to feed your baby in a discreet way, without having to worry about exposing the entire breast.
In the 529 model we used innovative underwiring selected specially for maternity underwear. It is flexible and adjusts to the shape of breasts. The cup is 100% made of cotton thermoformed in the shape of a hemisphere. This allows the bra to give breasts a rounder profile. In model 528 cups are made of thermoformed knitted fabric but no underwiring is used.Natural and healthyBefore giving birth and during lactation breasts become more tender and sensitive. Therefore it is important that the materials your underwear is made of be skin friendly. In all Gaia “Mama collection” bras, the interior part of cups is lined with antibacterial cotton. In the spring collection, the material used for cups and band contains plant-based material: viscose, which is similar in touch to cotton and additionally allows moisture to escape.
Gaia bras for mothers: 523 (semi-soft) and 569 (full cup) – are made of viscose and lined inside with cotton.When should I buy a nursing bra?Miesiąc przed porodem wybierzcie się na zakupy bieliźniane, tak, aby na okres karmienia mieć przygotowany już biustonosz (optymalnie dwa). Pamiętajcie, że kiedy rozpocznie się laktacja rozmiar piersi może się zmienić. Kiedy zauważycie, że miseczka jest za mała (pierś „przelewa się” ponad krawędź biustonosza) a obwód za luźny (zapięcie unosi się w górę), poproście bliską osobę o zakup prawidłowego rozmiaru. Warto wcześniej pomyśleć również o wkładkach laktacyjnych, które włożone do miseczki biustonosza, dyskretnie zabezpieczą wypływ pokarmu, co może nastąpić już w zaawansowanej ciąży.Go shopping for underwear one month before the due date, so as to have a bra ready for the nursing period. Remember that with lactation start your breast size might change. When you notice that the cup is too small (breasts “spill” over the top of the bra) and the girdle is too loose (the clasp rides up), ask your dear one to buy it in the right size. It is also worth considering nursing pads which when inserted in the bra cup in a discreet way prevent leakage – something that can happen already in advanced pregnancy.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding check at least once a month if your underwear is still well-fitting. This is a perfect way to keep your bust in good shape. Take good care of the sensitive skin of breasts with body care products – moisturise, massage and nourish it.